Courtesy of the New Yorker, an interesting look at the growing number of Alaskan farms, where climate change is helping turn frozen ground into farmland. If this trend continues, there will be even more competition in the Arctic than at present: In 2010, Brad St. Pierre and his wife, Christine, moved from California to Fairbanks, […]
Read more »Courtesy of The Financial Times, commentary on how China’s mission to ensure its food security is now focused on intellectual property: At a briefing in May, Japan’s agriculture minister quantified the illicit Chinese farming of Shine Muscat grapes — a preposterously expensive fruit engineered by Japanese breeders over 18 years. The rights holders, he said, were […]
Read more »Via Macau, a report on Angola’s interest in additional Chinese agricultural investment: Angola wants more Chinese investors to grow agricultural products in the African country that can be exported to China, Angola’s minister for economy and planning, Mário Caetano João, said on Tuesday. In an interview with Chinese state news agency Xinhua, the […]
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